Happy New Year and all the best for 2024 !
Expérience 49 starts the new year with the announcement of two workshops.
Maresa von Stockert is leading the intergenerational workshops at the Baugé mediatheque as part of La Nuit de la Lecture.
1. Workshop :
Friday January 19 from 18:30 to 19:30 for families with children aged 8 and over.
2. Workshop :
Friday January 19 from 20:00 to 22:00 for families with teenagers over 12 and adults of any age.
Location: Médiathèque de Baugé, Hôtel de Ville, Place de l’Europe, Baugé, 49150 Baugé-en-Anjou.
The workshops will explore the following questions in a creative and playful way:
How can we write with our whole body rather than one hand and a pen?
What is physical poetry? Can we create a poem from movement?
How can we read a text and interpret it with our bodies?
How can we read the gestural language of the body?
Participants will create their own movement vocabulary drawing inspiration from everyday gestures and the space of the library.
The workshops are free of charge. Places are limited, and reservations must be made by e-mail to mediatheque@baugeenanjou.fr or by telephone: 02 41 84 12 18.