Experiment 49
Since July 2022, Maresa von Stockert is artistic director of Experiment 49, a not for profit organisation, that creates, produces and presents contemporary art in all its forms, with a particular focus on the fusion of contemporary dance, film and the visual arts.
Experiment 49 aims to inspire and to bring together diverse groups of artists and community participants to research and create beyond art-form categories and cultural, social and national boundaries.
From its rural location in Baugé en Anjou, Maine et Loire, France, Experiment 49 produces and tours innovative, contemporary works locally, nationally and internationally.
Maresa von Stockert captures the moment of physical poetry and poignance in the movement of her surroundings – people, performance spaces, landscapes and architecture. Her work with the company may take on various forms and be presented live or on film, on stage, in galleries and unusual presentation spaces.
Click on the links to find out more about Experiment 49’s artistic director, news about the artistic and technical team she work with on her current work, as well as our upcoming workshop programme.
Experiment 49 is governed by a Board of Trustees:
Marc Lawton – President
Rohena Gera – Vice President
Bintou Nianghane-Gadiffert – Treasurer
Béatrice Gadbin O’Connell – Secretary
Expérience 49 – Association loi 1901 – SIRET 910 673 359 00014 – APE:9001Z
Photo credits: Maresa von Stockert